Loud and Proud Family Time

Thanksgiving happened quickly. One minute I was getting on a plane in Houston, and the next I was getting off a plane in Houston.
Obviously that's not what occurred, because I have photo evidence saying otherwise. Or actually Mark does, because he took more photos.

One would think that lots of photos meant he really enjoyed the trip, but actually he found it a little stressful. My family is...loud. I didn't ever realize it until Mark commented on it. And then I discovered, yes, my family--especially my siblings--is intense. Playing games involves a lot of shouted semi-dramatic arguments. Group conversations involve talking over others, loudly one-upping the others in the discussion; and apparently the louder it is, the funnier it is (guessing from the laughter).
~~~~~~~~An Aside on the Games~~~~~~~
We played several rounds of Telestrations, where a word is drawn, then with the next player written, then with the next drawn, etc. I took pics of the most artistic/outlandish ones, but I'm too lazy to rotate the pics, so just turn your head, k?
If you guessed "alligator", you're right

the original prompt was 'bald eagle'...

the prompt I got was "sexy Whirlpool dishwasher." so here it is pole-dancing
~~~~~End of Aside on Games~~~~~~~~

Even thanksgiving dinner was a little stressful...or maybe I should say especially thanksgiving dinner. But I suppose food-prep and presentation is always a little stressful for a feast.
In case you're wondering, Jon never smiles

Feeling full and satisfied

The strangest thing this trip was the wildlife. I've known that there are turkeys in my parents' neighborhood, but I didn't quite understand the sheer quantity.

I think they might be protected, because the neighborhood surrounds a protected sulfur spring [yes, it does indeed smell like sulfur. don't sniff too hard], but my dad will shoot at them with a paintball gun every now and then to get them off the lawn and driveway (which will then feature a lot of poop. Since it's a sulfur spring, we really don't need any more poop-smelling stuff).

Also surprising: the neighborhood appears to have unofficially adopted a young deer (who also poops, but the turkey poop outnumbers the deer poop). He/she accompanied us on all of our walks, showed up at our kitchen door around lunchtime two days in a row, and lets us pet it. My parents say some of the neighbors feed it and let it in their houses, but we didn't. 
Based on the number of pics, the deer was the highlight of the trip.
I am a sucker for cuddly animals.

Bye! See you next time!


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