Humor Me

I am going to share a big Truth. Mark has been unemployed for two-and-a-half years now, despite efforts to the contrary. It has added stress to our two-and-a-half year marriage, but we have discovered that, by God, Humor Saves our Marriage.
Mostly, the humor comes from him, because although Mark thought I was funny when we were dating (which my father said was a sure sign Mark was in love with me), he has since found most of my intentional efforts at comedy more worthy of eye-rolls than smiles or laughs. In fact, I think I give his eyes a lot of exercise

Hey, I do what I can to encourage a healthy lifestyle.
(credit: The Awkward Yeti)

One of the best secrets to marriage survival? Laughing at annoyances. Mark laughs that I pronounce crayon as "cran", and that sometimes it takes me a couple seconds to find the right words. I laugh that he sometimes eats meals deconstructed--like a bowl of dry cereal with a glass of milk, or eating a piece of bread, a spoonful of PB, and a squirt of honey directly in his mouth instead of making a sandwich.
I am nearly always cold (including cold to the touch and blue to the sight), so Mark likes to joke that instead of using calories for heat production [which is kinda redundant if you are thinking of calories in terms of heat measurement], I must have redirected calories to grow lots of hair to shed everywhere, and then I outsourced my heating to him.

Just this morning, we were pulling out of our parking lot when we remembered that we should cash some checks that were in the house. Mark asked if I had keys to get into the apartment, and I responded no, but I could go get them.
If I used his keys first.

I did in fact retrieve my keys, so Mark then mused if he should lock his keys in the car so that I could feel helpful with my keys.

He intentionally makes me laugh day and night, and I unintentionally make him laugh night and day.
We're equals. Except my part is easier, because I don't have to think about it  :)


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