Laundry Quandry

There are mysterious forces at work on our clothes in our apartment. And we can't figure out how to combat them.
For many many months now, some of our clothes have smelt of rancid oil. Despite throwing out both of our clothes dressers, using dehumidifying packets and odor eliminators, and airing them out, the smell remains. We've tried washing the washing machine. Soaking the clothes in vinegar. Adding SimpleGreen to our laundry load. Adding Borax to the wash. Using fabric softener with the detergent. Trying different detergents. Bleaching all of the white-colored smelly clothes. Nothing keeps the scent from coming back. And worse, it's spreading; how, I don't know, or I would be able to protect our remaining clothes. We keep the oil-smelly clothes separate from all of our other clothes, yet the smell still gains ground. Clothes that have never been in the "contaminated" dressers start to reek. I'm down to four or five non-smelly undershirts. Nearly all of our pillowcases have "the stink." And since we don't know how to keep our remaining garments fresh, we don't dare buy more.

We need a laundry detective.
The "Play Now" button isn't active, so don't get excited

And if that detective is already investigating our clothes, I'd like to add another mystery to solve: the source of maroon lint.
For the past couple of days, I'll be washing my face and notice that I have maroon lint on my cheeks, chin, and forehead. I haven't worn any maroon tops lately, nor have we washed maroon things recently, yet the stuff still shows up on me. I did figure out the other day what had been acting as a vector for the lint when I started finding lint in my armpits and legs, but I don't know how my gray towel got taken over by maroon fibers in the first place. At the moment, I switched towels, and no more lint has appeared, but I don't know how long that will last.
If we have somehow offended anyone in the linen industry, I apologize, and ask, for the sake of hygiene and sanity, that our punishment stop. I don't want to be stuck wandering around in a bath robe for the rest of my life.
Although it is pretty comfy. :)


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