On Clothes

To get to and from work, I take the metro, then a shuttle bus, then I walk through the university campus to the hospital [and the reverse of that to get home]. Sometimes the shuttle bus isn't immediately there, so when it's windy and cold I wait in the lobby of some gymnasium building where I can keep an eye on the bus stop but not freeze while doing so.
Recently, while waiting for the bus, I noticed there were several manikins in school-color uniforms. And I realized, without having to look too closely, that the female manikin in field-hockey garb was wearing a sports bra underneath her jersey.

I gotta wonder what made that particular outcome occur.

A few days after that, I killed some time looking at the sport trophies of the university: track and field, cross-country, field hockey, soccer, and basketball. Each one had a small figure in relief, matching the action and gender of the associated trophy; for example, a girl running on the "Cross-Country" cup, or a guy with a basketball on the "Basketball" award. That is all good and logical. But then I saw that all of the girl depictions had clothed figures, and all of the boy depictions were naked. The figures are like an inch-and-a-half tall, so it's not immediately apparent, but I could see that the men had nothing on, not even shoes, while the women all wore athletic uniforms and footwear.

I don't know what caused these idiosyncrasies, but I do get the impression that someone has insisted that representations of female athletes be properly clothed.
Maybe because it's cold.


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