
I don't know why, but I imagine a Minnesota accent when I ruminate on the pronunciation of hockey. I'm not from Minnesota, and as far as I know I've never been to Minnesota, but that doesn't stop me from hearing the northern dialect in my head.
I got into watching hockey when I started dating Mark, because he idolizes the Pittsburgh Penguins. If I'm claiming to be into any sport, the best bet is hockey. I enjoy following the Penguins team with Mark, but that doesn't mean we see the same things.

Mark will be following the puck turnover closely, and then I'll pipe up, "Oh, look, some Asian companies are advertised on the rink's perimeter. I didn't know Asia was into hockey."
Or he'll be listening to media interviews of the coach, and I'll mention, "Wow, did you see his tie? Super classy."
Yesterday, I heard about the miracle-on-ice scenario of an emergency backup goalie helping score a win against his "home team." I was fascinated by the narrative, of how things played out, and what reactions people had, so I read multiple articles on the event.
And now my phone thinks I really love reading about hockey, and presents me with article after article of teams-I-don't-care-about. Nope, sorry, news-algorithm, that was a once-in-a-lifetime story. I'm probably not going to read another hockey article for 5-10 years.
Depending on when the next miracle-on-ice happens.


  1. I never watched hockey until Mark became a fan. Now I’m loudly cheering for the Penguins!


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