A More Civilized Civil War

Social media is a cursed blessing. I get a general sense of what is going on in the lives of friends, family, acquaintances, and colleagues, helping me to see what they look like, what is important to them, what they think. And, as I said, it's a blessing and a curse. Without social media, I could assume everybody I knew thought as I did, with the same political views or lifestyle choices or what-have-you. As I discover that such an assumption is not true, it becomes difficult not to "weed out" the dissimilars so that I am (virtually) surrounded by people who think and act like me. Truthfully, I still might do that if the dissenting voice is some person I don't know that well. But I can't do that with family. I'm stuck with them. For life. and also for after-life, considering I believe families are forever.

So basically, what I'm saying is: one of my aunts [good luck figuring out which one. I have about 16 aunts, assuming all of my uncles are married to females, and if we go to my husband's side, what I can tell you is I have no idea how many aunts I have] posted something I strongly disagree with on social media. It's frustrating and hurtful and--on reflection--makes it very difficult for me to vilify those-who-don't-think-like-me. I can't come down in righteous anger because such moves are disastrous on social media. I'd likely be shooting myself in the foot. Also, I still love her. Also, has anyone noticed how rarely logic sways opinion? Therefore, without verbose logical explanations, allow me to say:

Vaccines are important preventives of illness. Get them.
Face coverings help prevent the spread of illness. Wear them.
Gluten is not inherently bad. Keto diets are not inherently good. etc.
Cleaning supplies are not for ingestion. Stop killing your bodies' good bacteria.
When making healthcare decisions, you should discuss them with healthcare people.
Black Lives Matter. It's not that the ninety-and-nine are not worth saving, it's that black lives are the figurative sheep-in-danger right now.
Unless information comes direct from God, you should fact-check statements and make sure they are supported by multiple sources. [For instance, this piece of advice I just gave you is backed by this website https://tacomacc.libguides.com/c.php?g=599051&p=4147190 that lists multiple ways to get a reality check.]
Keep those dissenting voices as friends (or at least connections) on social media. Don't put yourself in an echo chamber, as there's a fairly decent chance you'll go crazy that way.
Be smart, but humble. Be kind, no exceptions.

Thank you.


  1. As always, very thoughtful, well written, and sincere.
    I agree!
    Love you! 💖


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