The Job is Done

 Once upon a time, back when I was single, I had an acquaintance [I know that sounds stand-offish, but I feel really bad saying she's a friend right now when I can't even remember her name. I am so sorry, whoever you are] who used the term "funemployment." Well, that's one way to spin unpaid productivity. Or, more realistically, periods of unpaid unproductivity.

My last day of work at my temporary job was last week. I was feeling nostalgic, and took pictures of things I'd miss.

Like how the pictures in the women's bathroom are odd for the demographic they should be aiming for.

framed pics of golf courses--not the first thing I think of when considering the female gender in a bathroom

~framed pics of golf courses--not the first thing I think of when considering the female gender in a bathroom~

Or being in my favorite stairwell

~inspirational quotes and everything~

Or the lame retardant.

I find it very interesting that the thought didn't even occur to me to take pictures of the people I've been working with. But, you know, I have their emails and cell numbers, whereas it's really hard to meet up with a stairwell outside of work.

Last week is also when I filed for unemployment. The paperwork is like mini-tax prep, complete with a waiting period for processing. 

I will say that the addition of naptime sometimes makes up for loss of income, but only when I'm not thinking about paying for things. Like all the times I think about going out to eat, which is happening a lot (the thinking part, not the going-out-to-eat part). 


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