Food Blessings

 Last week the bishop of our church congregation [which doesn't actually congregate nowadays, being mostly on Zoom] helped us fill out a list of foods we needed from the Bishop's Storehouse [think of it as a  Food Bank, but managed by a religious organization]. It's the second time in the past two months that I've received groceries from the Storehouse, and it is such a God-send. I feel a little weird being on the receiving end, because it's not like we don't have any money, but it helps relieve some financial pressure when we don't have an income. 

And it has a big impact on our menu. 

Meat for hamburger patties? From the Storehouse.

Cheese for the hamburgers? Tomato slices? From the Storehouse.

Potatoes for homemade fries? From the Storehouse.

Bread buns for aforementioned hamburgers? From the Storehouse, and quite miraculously: the volunteer who bagged the groceries put a cantaloupe on top of the buns, so they were a bit flattened, but overnight they fluffed up again.

Carrots for carrot pie [yes, it's a thing. Think of it as a more fibrous version of pumpkin pie]? From the Storehouse.

We have more meat in our freezer than I think we've ever had during our married life. And I haven't even mentioned the edible non-perishables.

To pay it forward, yesterday Mark and I volunteered at the local food bank. We packed over 1,000 boxes of food to be distributed to those in need. Honestly, it was more of a workout than I thought it would be.

We love the patriotic purple narwhal
We like the patriotic purple narwhal at the Food Bank

But honestly, food security is worth working for.


  1. You two are having a tough time but the Lord is mindful of you and your path. Stay the course and embrace hope.
    I love you, both! ♥️


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