
Showing posts from April, 2021

Reel Tears

Sometimes it's tricky to find something mundane enough to blog about.  But I came up with one: Movies that made me cry. Firstly, there's Lassie . I was a kid. Don't remember anything about the movie, except that I cried really hard at the end. Then, from college years, Meet the Robinsons . I was homesick, okay? That wasn't the only animated  movie that got my lacrimal glands working, though. I also teared up for Inside Out . Every time I watch it. Artificial Intelligence made me weep, too, but I feel like that is totally understandable. Who wouldn't when presented with an innocent little robot kid? And that brings us to the outlier in this list: the Broadway musical Hamilton . No small kids involved. No self-sacrificing dogs, either. Definitely no robots. But boy, I could not speak for several minutes after the ending because I was so moved. Funny things, emotions. There is something beautiful about inexplicable moments like that, when the Pathos surprises the Logo