Reel Tears

Sometimes it's tricky to find something mundane enough to blog about. 

But I came up with one: Movies that made me cry.

Firstly, there's Lassie. I was a kid. Don't remember anything about the movie, except that I cried really hard at the end.

Then, from college years, Meet the Robinsons. I was homesick, okay?

That wasn't the only animated  movie that got my lacrimal glands working, though. I also teared up for Inside Out. Every time I watch it.

Artificial Intelligence made me weep, too, but I feel like that is totally understandable. Who wouldn't when presented with an innocent little robot kid?

And that brings us to the outlier in this list: the Broadway musical Hamilton. No small kids involved. No self-sacrificing dogs, either. Definitely no robots. But boy, I could not speak for several minutes after the ending because I was so moved.

Funny things, emotions. There is something beautiful about inexplicable moments like that, when the Pathos surprises the Logos and shows its ability to stand independently. Or, in other words. feelings aren't bound by sense; and however nonsensical, the emotion is genuine.

So yeah, I cried at Hamilton. For real. No joke.

Send me some Kleenexes.


  1. Wonderful insights!
    Tears are a legit way to release all kinds of tension. Just wish that they wouldn’t usually give me a headache!


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