You Learn Something New Every Day

 As an aside, it is easiest to learn something new every day if you forget what you already knew. I am discovering that as I have to quickly re-learn various medical skills/facts that I haven't used in the past 2 years. [btw, in case you're wondering why it is easier to learn the same thing, it's because I already have all of the sources that I used the first time through.]

This past week, I learned which way was north in relation to my apartment. I had thought the sun rose outside our bedroom window, making that direction east, making the left side north if I were facing east. Turns out the sun sets out our bedroom window, making that direction west. I would have fared better just randomly guessing which direction the window faces, because north/south is closer to west than east is [so 3 out of 4 would be more right than the very wrong answer that I chose].

And another thing: did you know that although shredding mushrooms in a food processer does get the mushrooms in smaller pieces faster, it also will dye your quiche gray? Or that it is completely possible to slice a good chunk of your finger off (say, about the size of an eraser head of a pencil) using just a vegetable peeler?

Sometimes the most memorable lessons are the ones you get wrong. 


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