
Showing posts from November, 2022


 I know Halloween is beloved by many people, either for the candy or the costumes [or even both!], but for me it's one of those "oh yeah wow the holiday is this week gosh I haven't done anything" celebrations. Thus, when discovering that our church Halloween party was less than 7 days away, I put Mark in charge of deciding on costumes. To my surprise, he was willing to go as "Stitch" if I would go as "Lilo." The plan was we would order his costume online, and I would wear one of Mark's Hawaiian shirts [which he never wears, to my disappointment].  One of our Sunday School kids In the back of my mind, I told myself I should also find that black hair wig that I got almost a decade ago, to better match Lilo's appearance. But this week was so busy that I didn't get that thought to the front of my mind until the day of the party. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I tore the house apart looking for that wig. I pulled out boxes, looke