
Showing posts from February, 2023


 My first semester of college, in addition to the [stupid] decision to take an 8am calculus course, I also enrolled in American Heritage. It was one of those General requirements, which resulted in a large class where nobody knew anybody, but it also had occasional "labs" [or whatever they called it], which were much smaller (<12 students) groups lead by one of many TAs. I don't remember the professor's name, but I remember the TA I had: Jason Alexander Smith. Yes, almost 2 decades later and I still know his name. I did not like him, and so would silently mutter "Jason Alexander Smith," full name, as if he were in trouble with his mother. There were several reasons why I detested his presence [enough that, if I saw him on campus--even from the corner of my eye, without full conscious recognition--I would instantly feel bad vibes; I don't know if those vibes were coming from him or me ], but one of them was that he argued that no one, even Jesus, did a

Psych Unit: Not TLC so much as Tough Love

 I once had a calling [this is a technical term for "a volun-told position in a church congregation] when I was in college to attend the religious activities at a local jail. From what I recall, that calling existed to help with church attendance there--which frankly seems a little odd. Maybe there were other reasons that I wasn't privy to, but regardless, every so often, I went to jail. I don't remember many details about the place, but looking back, I can tell you it had more going for it aesthetically than the Behavioral Health Unit where I work now. Allow me to paint a picture of what the BH unit is like: Other than some coloring pages taped to the walls, there is no artwork or wall decor. The walls and doors are painted a yellow-ish beige, but I don't mean yellow-like-the-sun, but rather yellow-like-the-discoloration-with-age. There is no access to the outside. And I don't mean that the doors off the unit are locked [which they are, BTW, in addition to being h