
Showing posts from November, 2023

The Trip that Wasn't

 Despite our best efforts, and due to brain issues, we were unable to leave America [for vacation] this weekend. We were gut-wrenchingly disappointed, particularly because Mark had spent countless hours researching the best times to go for the Northern Lights, the greatest deals on the finest activities in Tromsø, a nd most likely a lot else that he hasn't told me about.  So yes, we had plans to go to Norway, to be within the Arctic Circle, to pet Reindeer and go dog-sledding and meet Sami people. We spent a lot of time preparing, getting the right shoes and layered clothing and long socks and warm water-resistant gloves, etc.

A spoonful of sugar?

 I am amazed at my own idiocy. The issue, basically, is that if I eat excessive amounts of sugar, I get a migraine. There isn't a specific amount of sugar that is the trigger point, because it's also affected by my salt intake, and hydration level, and how much sleep I got, and if I've been eating enough fiber and protein and fat, and so many other things that it's just not worth it to me to come up with a formula of all the factors. It's easier for me to just get a feel for my current state of body, and make decisions from there.  But you see, even though I look like an adult on the outside, inside, I'm just a well-trained puppy doing battle with a sugar-crazed kid. Mark and I have a holy tradition of buying candies that go on sale after the holiday. Thus, we have various Reese's or M&Ms or Twix tucked around our apartment from the candy-centric holiday of Halloween. We rest in candy. I squirrel the sweets away to try to manage our lesser selves. But as