A spoonful of sugar?

 I am amazed at my own idiocy.

The issue, basically, is that if I eat excessive amounts of sugar, I get a migraine. There isn't a specific amount of sugar that is the trigger point, because it's also affected by my salt intake, and hydration level, and how much sleep I got, and if I've been eating enough fiber and protein and fat, and so many other things that it's just not worth it to me to come up with a formula of all the factors. It's easier for me to just get a feel for my current state of body, and make decisions from there. 

But you see, even though I look like an adult on the outside, inside, I'm just a well-trained puppy doing battle with a sugar-crazed kid.

Mark and I have a holy tradition of buying candies that go on sale after the holiday. Thus, we have various Reese's or M&Ms or Twix tucked around our apartment from the candy-centric holiday of Halloween. We rest in candy.

I squirrel the sweets away to try to manage our lesser selves. But as the person who does the hiding, I am better poised to eat myself sick.

Which is what I did yesterday. Not that candy was the central calorie contributor of my intake, but it was definitely more than my norm. Knowing that I get headaches from sugar. Knowing that I've had more sweets than normal in the past 3 days. Knowing that I was near the tipping point.

Thus, yesterday ended with a migraine. And regrets.

Every once in a while, [in a time when I am less of an idiot than I was yesterday], someone will tell me I have such discipline with food. Really and truly, there is no room to say that I am innately better at healthy eating. If you got an immediate electric shock every time you strayed from the path, it doesn't require much discipline to stop straying. That's the level that I'm at. Cows are capable of that. Dogs are definitely capable of that. Even babies are capable of that.

You know who are really amazing disciplined people? Whoever chooses wisdom not for the immediate, short-term results, but for the good it will do [and the bad it won't do] far down the road.


We need to put those people in charge.



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