I believe in Jesus

 There are times when I read the news

about this or that religious group deciding that

what the world needs is not more freedom for faith

but more coercion into obedience;

and I think that they have misinterpreted the meaning of "force"

in the call to be a "Force for Good,"

and overlooked the strength in faith.

You see, there are plenty of times I question

how literally to take the Bible

or how much to trust in human attempts to

direct the focus of our faith,

but I keep going in these struggles of credence

Because I believe in Jesus.

There are times when I read my social feed

seeing how this person or that friend

seems to have life figured out,

goals met, accomplishments catalogued,

and I think perhaps on this test drive of experiences

I must have been given 

a manual engine

while everyone else has automatic;

and I have to learn how to drive it 

as I go at highway speeds

while also trying to figure out

where I am on the map

and how to get where I want to go,

which even in normal circumstances I am really bad at.

And I could throw up my hands,

throw in the towel,

or throw a fit

But I believe in Jesus,

the Master Creator,

who lets us

 take 11-point turns, or the country roads, or even

to drive like grandma

in our attempts to find home

with Him




He believes in us.


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