any time with friends is vacation time

A disadvantage of being a hospital nurse is that really, there are no such things as holidays. Probably true for police officers, fire fighters, etc. I sympathize. So what do I do? I create my own breaks in-between normal shifts.
It was by necessity a short trip to Utah, but I think we fit in a week's worth of activities:
Alyssa and Kim. by the way, Alyssa won the Tucano's contest
Right after getting off the plane, I joined up with friends to eat at Tucano's, which is something that has not spread down to Texas yet. I unfortunately did not do the food justice, and got soundly out-eaten by everybody else.
Following that probably unwise decision to eat while wearing snug riding pants, I compounded my un-wisdom by playing DDR and by running around a small ropes course, both for the first time in my life. I am proud to say that I did not throw up, that I got a B+ for dancing skills, and that although I found out that I am nervous of heights, I did the hardest section of the course 3 times.

As it really does not snow in Texas, I had hoped to build a snowman during my visit. Turns out it really hasn't snowed in Utah either. Alyssa and I did our best with what was available, and then just enjoyed making tracks in the snow. And attempting to interpret the tracks we found. They didn't really make sense to us, so we conjured up an animal that would fit the bill: a miniature kangaroo.

Creativity can make up a lot for inability.

Random note: J Dawgs is the ONLY place I will eat hot dogs. The restaurant is also, unfortunately, just in Utah. So of course it made it onto the to-do list.

My last night there, Sharon, Alyssa, and I went roller-skating, which is inexplicably harder than it was as a kid.

 I had better luck with the immobile surfboard.

 And lastly, I brought Sharon a souvenir of Texas. thankfully she liked it.

For a spontaneous trip, everything worked out pretty nicely. I think I could make a habit out of spontaneous trips.Oxymoronic, I know. Here's another one that aptly sums up the experience:

Parting is but sweet sorrow


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