"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” ~Mark Twain

Though some 30 days behind the customary New Year, I find it irresistible to make a note of resolutions.

Most people resolve to do something about their health (hence the quote from Mark Twain, who, I must say, is one of my favorite comedians). Well, I fall into that category too. Last year I decided to eat a fruit or vegetable every day. Notice the wording, it was key to my success. I said "a", not "one", not "a serving", just a vague "a." That meant that I could, without too much guilt, count the peppers on my pizza as a vegetable, and the applesauce in my lunch as a fruit. Also notice the "or;" it was not necessary to eat the vegetable pizza and the applesauce in the same day. Basically, the 100% that I am proud to report on my 2011 goal is because I created loopholes. Fortunately I went 'over and beyond' my goal for a sizeable portion of the year, for which I'm sure my health is grateful.

This year, I think I'll resolve to floss. My goal is once a month. I'm certain that if my dentist knew, he would be torn between congratulating me and scolding me.

Well, I really hate flossing.


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