sleeping, Seattle, and sunshine

"A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in." Robert Orben

One of my best friends in the world is an old college roommate from India now living in Seattle. I never quite got around to visiting Tamanna when she was in India (oops); really no substitute for that as far as location, but fortunately she stays the same wherever. Except she'll get an Indian accent. Oddly enough, I seem to be better at keeping in touch with friends who are out of state.
Right after my work talent show (post on that coming soon), I took a week off of work and flew to SeaTac. While standing in line for airport security for 40 minutes, I managed to overhear a good portion of a phone break-up conversation from the girl behind me. awkward. Tamanna picked me up, and then we went to her apartment, where she introduced me to some friends who were over, and where I used my pretend-i-can-hear-you manners because my ears hadn't yet popped from the flight.
I thought for sure I would sleep for 10 hours while on vacation, but for some reason the latest I could sleep in was 9am. The worst was that first night, when I got to bed around 1am and then woke up at 6. i should have known I'd be sleepless in Seattle
small pic, i know, but this is the house where Tom Hanks was sleepless, just to the right of the boats

Since Tamanna and her husband Carter worked during the day, I got to walk around the town with nothing in particular to do, and it was GORGEOUS. It didn't rain a single day I was there (odd, right?) so I stayed out in the sun as much as possible. When they came home, we camped, roasted marshmallows, went on bike rides, ran, launched model rockets. played frisbee, climbed trees, and played games. I am proud to report that I used the words 'quark' and 'nihilist' in our game of bananagrams.

really strange combination of places to go in Roslyn

Technically, we didn't go camping, because we broke down in Roslyn before we got to a campsite. We did, however, eat the food we brought, get in the sleeping bags for warmth, play cards, and use flashlights while waiting for a ride. That's camping.

 Saturday night some friends of Carter and Tamanna had a bonfire, so I tagged along and provided enlightening stories about scorpions and spiders in Texas, which seemed to be their version of ghost stories by firelight.

Carter, me, Tamanna
 During one of the weekdays, my aunt Mindy picked me up and we toured Seattle on a 'duck' manned by a crazy multi-hatted captain who told us that ours was the most recent group he had ever had.
Aunt Mindy and me on "Ride the Ducks"
the captain, "Landon DeLake"

according to our captain, that shiny thing in the background is the only indigenous metal tree in the world

I managed to break my toe while doing yoga. yeah, I'm that talented

I toured Microsoft with Tamanna. we didn't have the patience to finish the checkers game

some lady in Redmond knits around trees and poles.  really some of the strangest public art cities I've seen

Now I am really tempted to move to Seattle.


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