
Showing posts from August, 2012

productivity stagnates

Sometimes I feel like I haven't actually passed through the "Real Life" door. There's something about not having to work 4 days of the week that gently mocks my sense of independence. I mean, who am I kidding? I swear I take naps more as an adult with a full-time job than I did as a child with no particular purpose whatever. That's excluding infancy, of course. At least I'm more productive than I was as an infant. So, for my mental health, and hopefully for your entertainment, I'm going to list things I do on my days off: -as I said, take naps. love them -go on walks. or, since I've just started training for a half marathon, go on runs, with some walking breaks -cook. and eat -clean. I sometimes even make my bed -go to the dentist (okay, so this doesn't happen every day. more like every couple of months, if we are being generous. but it does break up the day. Last month my dentist had to cancel on me because he got in a car accident, and I h

summer sum-up (sort-of)

Still don't have a lot to say on one topic, but I have pictures! More or less in reverse chronological order: Shots from near my apartment. The bayou has a faint sulfur smell at times, which seems all the thicker due to the humidity of the air above the water. Can't remember much about these two shots. I suppose that's good; it will encourage you to go see the Paleontology Hall at HMNS for yourself instead of depending on my inexperienced, inaccurate report. Anyway, those fossils on the left were gorgeous, and the turtle was big. I went to see The Lion King Broadway with my family for my birthday. It is the second time I've seen it, and the only Broadway I have seen, so can't give any comparisons, but I LOVE the music and choreography. This is a weed. A Texas weed in all rights. I don't know if it's actually indigenous, but it was doing its best to settle into our yard. I think it might have become bigger had we let it....