productivity stagnates

Sometimes I feel like I haven't actually passed through the "Real Life" door. There's something about not having to work 4 days of the week that gently mocks my sense of independence. I mean, who am I kidding? I swear I take naps more as an adult with a full-time job than I did as a child with no particular purpose whatever. That's excluding infancy, of course. At least I'm more productive than I was as an infant.
So, for my mental health, and hopefully for your entertainment, I'm going to list things I do on my days off:

-as I said, take naps. love them
-go on walks. or, since I've just started training for a half marathon, go on runs, with some walking breaks
-cook. and eat
-clean. I sometimes even make my bed
-go to the dentist (okay, so this doesn't happen every day. more like every couple of months, if we are being generous. but it does break up the day. Last month my dentist had to cancel on me because he got in a car accident, and I had no idea what to do instead)
-go shopping. grocery, usually.
-practice harmonizing with my guitar. this is usually more difficult than the playing of the song, as most popular songs involve similar chords and strumming patterns, but different vocals.
-read, preferably while eating dry spaghetti noodles, as they are too ridiculous a snack for me to feel guilty
-interact with technology via keyboard, dvd remote, or smartphone
-interact with people at Family Home Evening, Institute, church, parties, or random phone calls. sometimes I facebook stalk.
-make handwritten lists of things I need to accomplish. as nobody can really read my handwriting, I am the only one who knows whether I'm procrastinating or not.
-blog. Oh, good. now I feel productive.


  1. Love it! you should add me to your list pf people you interact with on your days off and call more often!

  2. Just read this! I love it!
    P.s. Yours is the first blog that I added to my reading list... I guess I should get more blog savvy. :)


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