The pen and the sword and the mouth

I had a pretty stark contrast today of the use of words. Most of today I was watching General Conference [follow link for explanation], and let me say we have some pretty awesome apostles. They can be blunt, and what they say may tweak your soul, but it's always in the direction of getting better. I really, really enjoy General Conference weekends. That's the good word.
But driving home after watching it, as I was sitting in my car thinking about how I needed chapstick (temporal needs are so distracting), a car behind me cussed at me. I suppose I should be glad I got through life up to this point without getting cussed at. It is totally different to have the cussing around you as opposed to directed at you. I was not happy. Basically. So I turned on some music and entertained fantasies of me showing those boys what's what. It is a fulfilling activity in that such thoughts are entertaining and definitely fantasies.
So now that I've provided the contrast, let me bring you to my conclusion. Words are powerful. During the conference, I felt motivated to stretch myself a little more because of the apostles' words. Yet just ONE sentence using specific words changed my mood. Instantly. There isn't a drug out there that works that fast. I'm pretty sure the effect will be short-lived, and I will go back to thinking deeply about chapstick again. In the meantime, I offer this lesson: choose words carefully, my friends. The tongue can be deceivingly sharp.


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