um, yeah, some sort of title here on the theme of sports

Lately, for muscle engagement and social interaction, I've been playing ultimate frisbee. The first time I played, I noticed that nobody threw the frisbee to me the first game, but my team won, whereas in the second game that day, my teammates threw to me, but we lost. The guys chivalrously denied any sort of correlation there. Riiiight.

So here I would like to show my red badge of courage from my efforts today. No, that is not a tan. That is dirt.

 somehow the dirt got through my shoe and my sock on my right foot.

I not only completed passes on both the throwing and receiving ends, but I also intercepted several passes, got in a tug-of-war, and somehow managed to trip one of the missionaries who was playing with us, causing him to lose his shoe AND miss the frisbee. Now he says "oh no, not again" whenever he sees me come up to guard him. Maybe because I'm a tripping hazard, but I'm hoping it's because I'm a serious threat to his game.

As another battle wound, I'm allergic to grass. I've known this since high school, but usually I ignore it, because usually it's not a problem. Well, this morning I had shaved my legs, which means my skin was slightly irritated, and when I rubbed grass on it, the result was itchy.

No permanent damage in either case, since dirt washes off and the rash went away with some aloe vera application. Which is why I had to take pictures and write this post in order to share my accomplishment.


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