
Showing posts from June, 2013


Sometimes I have moments of examining life in a detached fashion. In these out-of-body experiences, I have the same thought: life is weird . I feel like that's a pretty open-minded evaluation. Recently I went shoe-shopping with friends. I really am not a shoe-shopper, so while they debated functionality and aesthetics of their footwear, I went around picking out the oddest creations I could find. Surprisingly a lot of options. I'm environmentally-conscious. I like to leave as small a footprint as possible. Even if it increases the odds of me falling over Let me check out my reflection in my basketball/heel shoes here. I've also found a lot of interesting perspectives on food. For example, this shake flavor from Sonic: fat really is delicious... I guess that was their thought process, too I have some very organic friends. Poetically put, mealtime is an affair between your food and your body without the third-wheel interference of outside chemicals or genet

trippy adventures, complete with pictures

Apparently I have no sympathy for my butt. On glancing through pictures of what I've been up to so that I could pass this information on to you, I realize that a lot of them involve road trips of usually at least 3 hours one way. Sitting...and sitting....All for a good cause.     No road trip involved here. This is my parents' backyard, and I am in the tree that I have been waiting all of my since-this-tree-was-planted life to grow big enough for me to climb. Kelli humored me. Krause Springs. The water was cold, but it was, as you can see, incredibly bewitching. That same trip, I went ziplining through some trees (although there was a point where I was in danger of ziplining into some trees because I was going so fast. Of my own volition. It Was Exhilarating)  At the beginning of April, I ran a mud run with friends, and I have proof that we thoroughly enjoyed it (as well as getting thoroughly muddy). For further entertainment, we dressed up; I chose to look li

there's no place like wherever you are

It's really odd sometimes where Life takes you. [Which makes me think, actually, is anyone surprised where death takes them?] Anyway, this anthropomorphic Big-L Life and I seem to be running along in the journey of little-l life, and it feels like Big-L, besides being way ahead of me, keeps throwing things at me just to see how I'll handle them. One of the major tripping hazards lately: living accommodations. Since I turned 18, I have moved every single year. EVERY ONE. After each year of college, I'd put stuff in storage, go home for the summer, and come back to a different apartment. So technically I think I moved several times every year. I have really learned how to capitalize on space with packing: dishes are padded with socks, picture frames are protected with blankets, and everything container-ish (trash cans, baskets, buckets, mailing boxes, suitcases, etc.) is stuffed with books, clothes, and whatever else is in my little-l life. What doesn't fit (i.e. what I