trippy adventures, complete with pictures

Apparently I have no sympathy for my butt. On glancing through pictures of what I've been up to so that I could pass this information on to you, I realize that a lot of them involve road trips of usually at least 3 hours one way. Sitting...and sitting....All for a good cause.
No road trip involved here. This is my parents' backyard, and I am in the tree that I have been waiting all of my since-this-tree-was-planted life to grow big enough for me to climb. Kelli humored me.

Krause Springs. The water was cold, but it was, as you can see, incredibly bewitching. That same trip, I went ziplining through some trees (although there was a point where I was in danger of ziplining into some trees because I was going so fast. Of my own volition. It Was Exhilarating)

 At the beginning of April, I ran a mud run with friends, and I have proof that we thoroughly enjoyed it (as well as getting thoroughly muddy). For further entertainment, we dressed up; I chose to look like an escapee from the hospital, complete with fake IV lines. (In fact, one person came up to me concerned and asked how I felt. Legit costume.)

Road trip...again.
 Since my family got into lake trips about 7 years ago, my brother Jaron has harassed me for my inability to get up on the wakeboard. This time, I did it. With the fortune that comes with good friends, I was able to get proof of this accomplishment, because Jaron is in Minnesota, so I can not properly gloat right now. Ha, Jaron, just you wait.

Very shortly after the wakeboarding trip, I took a super long road trip with my dad up to Utah to attend to various family matters. Well, that was his job. My job was to be on vacation.
 To stretch our legs (and reduce the pressure on our butts), we took hikes during the road trip. My long-time favorite: Arches National Park in Moab. The power of nature is breathtaking.

 Please be jealous of this view. It would mean you and I are in the same boat. Although I'm not moving to Utah with my parents, I will certainly be visiting, because of this panorama.

Honestly, I wasn't in Provo for very long (most of the 'vacation' was taken up with driving), and in that particular Sadie-fashion, I didn't plan what I would do when I got there, but things worked out.
I went to a parade, and although I took pictures of my favorite floats, most of those were musical so it's not conveying the same thing.

This midwifery 'float' cracked me up. The signs read "Placentas Rock" and "You have other options!"

Iron Man.

 I also went rock climbing (indoor) for the first time. Loved coming down. I'm a bit shaky going up. Sharon was, thankfully, very patient with me.

 Temple Square in Salt Lake was gorgeous, the weather was a wonderful break from Houston, and listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in person is never a bad thing.
Good lighting, except it was right in my eyes

Random fact: I love water fountains.
 On the drive back, we hiked Dead Horse Point, and I'm pleased to say the pictures turned out. It was so bright that I couldn't see whether my camera was even capturing my intended subject.

 There's a place in Monticello called the Peace Tree, and when my dad got his hamburger, we saw that they were serious about their logo. I'd say good food promotes peace.

We also hiked in Palo Duro canyon, at the prompting of one of my friends. It was hot. The temperature gauge there is reading about 105. And it was positioned in the shade. The result was that I easily convinced my father to go out for ice cream afterwards.


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