
Sometimes I have moments of examining life in a detached fashion. In these out-of-body experiences, I have the same thought: life is weird.
I feel like that's a pretty open-minded evaluation.
Recently I went shoe-shopping with friends. I really am not a shoe-shopper, so while they debated functionality and aesthetics of their footwear, I went around picking out the oddest creations I could find. Surprisingly a lot of options.
I'm environmentally-conscious. I like to leave as small a footprint as possible. Even if it increases the odds of me falling over

Let me check out my reflection in my basketball/heel shoes here.

I've also found a lot of interesting perspectives on food. For example, this shake flavor from Sonic:

fat really is delicious... I guess that was their thought process, too
I have some very organic friends. Poetically put, mealtime is an affair between your food and your body without the third-wheel interference of outside chemicals or genetics. So I went out to lunch with one of these peeps, and he asked the waiter if the corn tortillas were GMO-free. Honestly, I'd never thought to ask that question. Apparently the waiter had never thought to hear that question, either. The response: They are gluten-free. Firstly, corn has never had gluten. Secondly, that has nothing to do with what he was asking.
Hey, I'm not from this planet. I just live here.


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