
Showing posts from April, 2014

MDD: my dating disaster

I have a blogger friend who says that her posts on dating get way more hits than her other posts. Except this post isn't about dating. Not really. It might start off with dating, but really its just background info. That's just the bait. Have you guys seen Sherlock ? The BBC series with Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch? The first episode starts with Dr Watson, who is seeing a therapist for PTSD. The therapist told him to write a blog, promising that it will help. That must be a common prescription for therapists to give out, because mine gave me the same one for my MDD. Except that doesn't stand for "my dating disaster" as the title suggests. It stands for major depressive disorder. I'm supposed to blog for self-discovery. You see, I lost myself somewhere after my last relationship. Well, I knew I was real. I knew God was real, and even better, I knew that He loved me, but I had a hard time caring, and I couldn't see a happy ending at all.

One flew over the cardiac floor

Sometimes, when you work so much, not only do you think everything is way more frustrating or funny, but you also do funny things. One of our residents, after having a stretch of us calling him every hour or so (hey, it was legit), wrote an order that a patient could have ice chips, as long as the ice chips don't melt. Thanks for that. It made us laugh. Then there's one of my patients that I had all weekend. He was very, very forgetful, but he never forgot who he was, and he never forgot who I was. At one point, he said that we were getting to be quite intimate. That was as I was scooping some of his poop into a specimen cup to test it for bacteria. I wanted to laugh, but I actually didn't want to do any extra breathing at that moment. My other patients were also cracking me up. Or cracking my sanity. Hard to say. My elderly patient had initially come in with confusion, so I would check if he knew where he was, who he was, and when it was. It got to the point where I

Save the Date

It's a good thing that Jesus is forgiving, because I think we have celebrations of His birth and resurrection based on atypical birth and re-birth calculations. Easter is celebrated on the Sunday after the paschal full moon. This means that the date changes (if you haven't noticed).  I think that means that we humans have a quirky way of telling time, because I don't know of anyone else who has the re-birthday (ok, resurrection day. Just go with it) on the same day of the week  EVERY YEAR! Now let's look at Christmas. Many have assumed Christmas in December was celebrated as Christ's birth in order to replace a pagan festival. Well, I wasn't there, so don't take me as an eyewitness, but according to this  article, Christmas was chosen in December because of the assumption that the Annunciation (or conception of Christ) was 9 months prior to that (duh. bear with me) because it was assumed that prophets died on the same day they were conceived. Which would

DIY Spring cleaning

This week I had 3 days off in a row, AND no personal trainer appointments since the guy had a baby (or rather, his wife did). So I let my back-burner projects come to the front. I have been really fascinated with HGTV lately, and it made me think how I could improve my living space. I started a couple weeks ago by cleaning out the garage. When I did that, I saw how many paint cans were there, and that got me thinking. My bathroom was ugly. The striped wallpaper was peeling off, and  there were holes in the walls, and no place to put the toilet paper. So I stripped the stripes (really easy, actually, as the wallpaper was the panel kind), spackled the walls, and painted 2 walls white and 2 walls green (I didn't think I could do all green, since I needed it to look bright, since there are no windows). I think it looks fantastic. Counting the primer and the toilet paper holder, I spent about $50 on that project. I also tackled the downstairs, which has windows, but they