The visit of the aged P's

Continuing backward in our journey of blog posts I should have written already, we get to last weekend. I'll set the scene for you:
Unusually chill weather for Houston summer. "Chill" here is a synonym for "60-70 degrees Fahrenheit."
Bright, indeed, effusive, sunlight.
Construction on the major roads in already sluggish Houston traffic.
And the Parents within 20 minutes, in town for a graduation celebration.
Not mine. Not my sister's. My mother's.
Not a high school diploma. Not an associate's. Not a bachelor's. Not a master's. A Doctorate.
Understandably, the past 5 years have been quite busy for her. Oftentimes conversations were rushed, dinners were of the re-heated variety, and "relaxing" meant being in the same room while she studied statistics.
But where the requirements are so great, the victory is all the more rewarding (in her case) or relieving (in my case).

As most people already know, attending a graduation is not celebratory enough. In fact, usually it's quite boring. 
So we went to the zoo
Asian cow. Wow.

I call this the matchstick deer

and out to eat
I would like to clarify that we did not eat in the bathroom.
and to a park

And we ate ice cream. I like celebrations that involve ice cream.

So hurray to Mother. Long may she teach.


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