Well, what's the motto?

Nothing, what's the motto with you?

Just kidding. I do have a motto. If I were into tattoos, I'd get it stamped on my skin as a permanent reminder.

Just Breathe.

I have no idea why I haven't thought of this before. It is THE PERFECT motto for nursing life. Firstly, because it is the best advice to give to patients to keep them alive.
Secondly, because it is the best reminder to myself to stay calm.

Lately I've been getting some strange situations at work.
As in a patient requested that I not be their nurse because the IV pump was beeping and I told them the tubing was kinked as I straightened it out.
As in I got into an argument with an OR technician about the logic of taking off a pain pump just to fit in the elevator.
As in my patient's chest tube became disconnected, which left a straight path for air into the thoracic cavity, which FYI is not good.
Well, let me tell you how I handled it.
I focused on what I can do.
Which is breathing.


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