a questionable cooking synergy

I have often heard synergy used in the context of two people studying together; each learns what the other knows, and maybe understands what they know better. And maybe they become friends. Or get married. Who knows. The point is, the two parts make a way better whole.

I would like to bring a new definition to the table. Literally, the table.

synergy=using two things that aren't yours to make something delicious that is yours (mostly)

By way of example. My roommate had two zucchinis in the fridge. They'd been there for 2 weeks.
She also had some leftover chicken enchilada stuff.
So I took the zucchini, carved out the middle, stuffed them with the chicken enchilada+zucchini remains, and got something fantastic!
the white stuff is ricotta cheese. also not mine

and I told her I was using her stuff.

*Do not attempt to reenact this unless you have a good relationship with the person whose stuff you are technically stealing*


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