
Showing posts from January, 2015

I spy, with my little eye

Isn't it funny that the times when we have the most to blog about are around the times when we have the least time to do it? I think that should be a corollary to Murphy's law. [though actually, I could have blogged earlier, but I was more interested in my book.] This morning, I received an interesting request from my roommate: she had a friend who needed someone to spy for her. At a wedding showcase. Well, I had just been reading a novel about spies, and was anxious to try this out. So I called up another friend, and asked if she wanted to be an accomplice in a secret mission. She agreed, so on our drive up I showed her the mission requirements. That  information I will not share, as I am supposed to be a spy, you know? And a professional one, too, because I was getting paid by the hour. Anyway, Heather agreed to pretend to be almost  engaged (we didn't have a fake engagement ring) to a sales advertising representative named Justin, who planned to propose to her on Val

The Secret of Happiness is in the Little things

Last Christmas (which, as you may recall, was less than a month ago), I found myself at home without family and with limited friends around (reason being, Christmas is a family holiday, so my friends were with their  families). So I was in my apartment doing I have no idea what (we'll say I was fixing the ceiling fan light in my room. that happened at some point) when a neighbor rang the doorbell to tell me I had a package at the front door. It was wrapped in a plastic bag, and although it came with a card, the signature was "Secret Shepherd". Inside was a colorful fleece blanket. It literally brought color and warmth to my Christmas holiday. Today brought a different mystery gift. Not actually as exciting, but I found it just as meaningful. My hospital shift had ended, and it had been one with death, emotional tension, heartache, fatigue, and frustration. No matter how my shift was, I always end it with two things: handwashing and wiping my phone off with alcohol. This