Sun and Sand and Skin

Surprise, surprise, I took a random trip to Hawai'i with people I didn't know very well (but that sure changed quick) and won the 'lightest packer' award. It comes in handy because over my career of travelling, I tend to stay with people I know on a casual basis, and it sure improves things if my junk isn't in their way.

I packed four swimsuits, and despite my best efforts, got burned in 4 different patterns on my shoulders. It's  nice that I can tell what swimsuit I wore last just by looking at my back.
thick-to-thin strap burns
crossed strap-in-the-back burn

wide shoulder burn

There's a black swimsuit on underneath. Just believe me. I got tired of burns.
And then add some sand for a coarse exfoliation everywhere. Every time I reapplied sunscreen, I would inevitably rub sand in, too. I hope my skin cell turnover is really high, because what with the sun killing them and the sand rubbing skin cells off, I think I lost a couple layers. But it was worth it.

It seemed everything was vibrant.

The view from the balcony.
Same view. Different time.


I can be a pink beach babe for views like this.


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