The Crab Whisperer

Hawai'i has a lot of cool plant and animal life. Coral, dolphins, whales, turtles, Banyan trees, etc, thank you volcanic soil. It wasn't whaling or dolphin-ing season, but I did get to see and swim with turtles. Two, to be specific. At different beaches. Unfortunately, I had a much greater knack at locating crabs. I found so many that my friend's family (who I was staying with) nick-named me the crab whisperer.
I named it Betty
Don't remember this guy's name

see below for enlarged image

Herman. I later found a hermit crab, and named him Herman II
 I also saw several sand crabs, but they were super fast and hard to capture on camera, since they blended pretty well with the sand. Movement was the only giveaway.
This was a big guy. I didn't touch him
See below for zoomed image

He's so cute. Whoever he is
Then there was the large pink-and-blue-spotted crab we found when snorkeling. I didn't invest in an underwater camera (sorry!), and I also didn't touch him because 1) he was big, and 2) he was deep.

That's at least 8 crabs, which means on average I found a crab once a day for the trip.

Not bad, not bad. Especially because none of them pinched me.


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