
Little-appreciated fact: if you look up synonyms for alien, the word exotic pops up. And isn't that an excellent description of Hawai'i, the tropical paradise that is so paradisaical because it is so wholly different from normal [Mainland] life.
Really, there were times I thought it should be a foreign country. I thought that 10 years ago when I was embarking on my first visit to Hawai'i, and was disappointed I didn't need a passport. This trip, while I wandered about the 727 square mile isle, I remained convinced of the distinctness of the culture and economy and geology.
Middle of the day, and two locals are playing chess on the seawall

Most people are pretty chill. Maybe it's part of living close to the beach, but stores don't seem to care if you browse in your swimsuit and your face is covered in sand (at least, no one at Barnes & Noble
stopped me). And it must be really weird to have a good portion of your population be permanently temporary, since the influx of tourists is more or less year-round.

There are no Wells Fargos, or any other national banks; instead, there are Hawai'i banks specific to Hawai'i shores. The dollar doesn't go as far, either. If you want to eat like an American, well, I hope you're rich.
Maui seems disconnected politically, too. If there was discussion on the potential presidential candidates, it was below the radar. And I don't know that I saw anything on local politics, either. At least, not anything recent.
I guess few people take the road to Hana to collect old signs
And of course the physical landscape is out-of-the-ordinary. That's why everyone wants to go.
Really strange imperfect stones in a perfect pattern

No green men, but plenty of green everything else
We're not in Kansas anymore...

I guess being really super-duper water-locked contributes to the whole exotic feel. That small red dot right of center? Yeah, that's Hawai'i. It's in the middle of nowhere.


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