Hawai'i Staples

Some images that immediately run through my brain when I think of Hawai'i. Shirts. Surfing. Macadamia nuts. Pineapple.

Still true. But I get to add to the list. Things I didn't know. Like Spam and nose flutes.

Did you know that Spam, although produced in Minnesota, has a greater fan base in the state of poi and poke?
3 cookbooks for one 'meat'
Well, let's just say we find different things appetizing.

And isn't it fascinating that quite unlike other nations, Hawaiians have championed the nose as a source of music? I'm assuming no one gets colds in the land of everlasting summer.

Behold, the nose flute!

And then there are staples that I never would have put together. Like a girl with a hula skirt and coconut outfit, except the coconut is her head.
I think she also directs traffic

Paradise is never quite what you expected.


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