Search & Rescue Garden

My balcony has become a place for misfits.
Of the dozen green things growing in pots, I have purchased only one of them, and even that one was a reject.

The tomato plant. The starter-seed pod was in the clearance section at Kroger's. [I also bought a seed pod of  cilantro, but since that one didn't grow, I can't really claim that I rescued it.] It has given me some small tomatoes. Not a big producer, but I don't need a bunch of tomatoes, so no loss.

Last Easter, a friend gave me one of the lilies that had decorated the chapel. That one died, actually, but apparently they can regenerate at least once.

The begonias were rejects, suspiciously with their soil still in a rectangular shape, but tossed aside after the floods (the pink from last year's flood, the red from this year's flood). Or maybe they saw the rising water as their chance to escape from the Lowe's Garden Center down the street. I don't know. They were found in detritus, and I have given them a home.

I also found, in the wake of the flood this year, a purple flower plant. Obviously I don't know what it is. Unless they come with tags, I don't know what to call them.

Okay, that's not quite true. I know I have a small oak tree growing in one of my window box planters. I recognize the leaves. I'm not sure how it got there (wind, yes, but there aren't any oak trees in my neighborhood, so it's quite the foreigner) but it can stay there, because the planter had been empty.

Next to the oak is a fluffy thing. It's probably a weed, by most botanist definitions. But I don't mind, so therefore it's not a weed.

There are two other mystery plants. One appears to be a climber, and the other appears to be alive and well. [That's all I've got on it.]

I know I planted something in one of the pots just to see if seeds from grocery store fruit grow. I am not sure if this is an apple or avocado or whatever other fruit I've eaten recently. I'm experimenting.

statue-of-liberty-picture.jpg (556×540)I feel a bit like the Mother of Exiles, who also has a green thumb (but that is because all of her is green).

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore ~Emma Lazarus

Note to the Reader: After writing this, I realized that I also have a cactus plant that I bought at Home Depot. But, besides being an uncommon balcony plant, it is not a reject, and so was not included in the post. Which I guess makes it a reject. 


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