The little drains that could

People tell stories of haunted houses or mysterious footprints or creaky stairs, all of questionable legitimacy (except for creaky stairs. they exist). But I daresay no one has yet recorded possessed plumbing.
You are already horrified, I bet. So many things can go awry.
But actually I'm just talking about the drain, so you can come back from under your bed.
The mood is set. Now for the setting.

Fall 2015, College Station
I drove up to College Station (actually, I'm still doing that on occasion) to visit Mark, and after we had played some Frisbee golf [which makes me get pretty filthy, since I tend to throw my discs into the river or bog or whatever puddle may exist.], I took a shower at his apartment.
As I was washing that mud right out of my hair, I noticed that the shower was more illuminated than your typical bath/shower fixture. Which can be nice. I mean, with shower curtains, not a whole lotta light gets through to the person who is trying to circumspectly inspect her belly button for a cleanliness check. However, this light was coming FROM BELOW.
Being just in my skin makes me feel more vulnerable. Bad timing for mysterious lights.
After further introspection, and recalling that Archimedes had had a lightbulb go off while he was in the tub, I decided to look into my own little eureka moment.
It came from the drain. With the water running. So it wasn't fire. I doubted it could be electrical either, or it would have shorted. And I'm pretty sure phosphorescent beings have more of a bluish-greenish glow than the butter yellow coming up from the drain.
Um-kay. That's weird.

Next scene.
Sometime recently.
Mark came down to visit me, and after eating what I'm sure was a delectable dinner (I don't actually recall, and it's possible I didn't cook anything, but I'm going for a healthy appreciation of my potential culinary skills.), I decided to brush my teeth.
As I spat out some minty whitening toothpaste, I noticed a little green spec coming from the bottom of the sink. So I pulled it out. And discovered that it was growing. From my sink. Which means that whatever sits at the mouth of the drain is pretty nutritious stuff (does this prove that I am a healthy eater?).
Best I can figure, I ate a seed of some sort (I mix chia seeds in my yogurt. so something like that), and then brushed my teeth and the seed 'planted' itself at the inside edge of the drain. And days later, sprouted.

If our oddly-fertile and energetic drains don't suggest that we two are interestingly suited for each other, I don't know what will.


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