Classic RomCom

I just had an eureka moment. And just like Archimedes, I want to share it. Without the whole complete exposure thing.

RomCom, or rather, some romance and some comedy/humor, [and I'm not referring to the movie genre] are integral to surviving relationships. Probably rather key in starting relationships, too. I base this on my relationship with Mark, and since everyone can't have a relationship with Mark [hands off, ladies], I'll give some examples.

For starters, Mark and I met on a dating website. They are not romantic, but they are pretty funny. [Like the old guy who mass e-mailed females asking for something more than platonic love. I didn't respond to that one.] Under the username soccerfan or something like that, Mark messaged me--woolbluegirl--friendly non-aggressive chatter. And so we communicated, until he found out that he was also simultaneously messaging my sister. He handled it well by offering to go on dates with both of us, and decide between us at a later date.
Isn't that the best 'how-we-met' story ever? The situation was so funny-in-an-awful-sort-of-way that it took out a lot of the stress of the situation. Plus, I've got a certain history with weird dates (like the time I went out with an older man I met at H-E-B, or the time a son of one of my patients took me on a date to the zoo). That was the hook, but the line and sinker came on subsequent dates as I realized how well we meshed. And also that he thought I was funny--clearly this man is a gem. [When I reported to my family that Mark found me humorous, my parents asked, "Wait, how well does this guy know you?]

Not to spoil the plot, but we dated and got married. And still go on dates.

Last week, after travelling to Pearland to use a coupon for our dinner [I love saving money. And Red Robin.], we walked around outside, and Mark pointed out the sunset, saying the clouds looked like wisps of cotton candy in the wind.
Compare that to our date a couple days ago (after another coupon dinner), when I pointed out the moon by saying it looked like the fingernail clipping of a giant.
Mark rolled his eyes at me.

Ah, true love.


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