The travel bug

Prior to getting married and starting school, I would take vacations simply to travel.
I now realize that's not normal.
It's like the little old lady who swallowed a fly--we don't know why she swallowed that fly. Maybe because she was bored, and she could.

I still have a little travel bug in me, but now it's a bit more escapist. Laundry to do and thank-you cards to write and a car to fix and school books to buy? Let's put that on hold and drive to Austin.
This is not Austin. It's Buccees--a mega-gas-station rest stop.
This was our first non-honeymoon vacation as a couple. Mark did the planning, and I provided the location and motivation. Good teamwork.
Lady Bird Lake Trail!
It was so much fun to introduce Mark to the Hill Country of Texas (as well as Buccee's. That was entertaining too.) Most of the time we were indoors [because it's August in Texas...] but as we drove around we got to appreciate the skyline of hills.
Purple martins. They pooped on our car. We didn't appreciate that.
Most of the trip was visiting museums, because Mark is a total history buff (do not challenge him in Trivial Pursuit...) and I like learning about history stuff. 
So to LBJ Library we went.
The second Oval Office replica of our relationship history.
I also introduced Mark to Chuy's--my favorite Tex-Mex restaurant. The ceiling decor usually has car hubcaps. Also the food is good.

The next day, we drove to Fredericksburg--a small little historical town with a fairly narrow Main street. This became important, since we got to witness several windmill arm trucks blocking the intersection on their way through the town. According to the locals, it's a common occurrence, and usually happens in threes.
Nimitz and Mark

Our main purpose was the Pacific War Museum, which was overwhelmingly well-done and totally worth the drive.
My Idaho boy next to a plaque of "The Big Spud"

Japanese Peace Garden

The makings of a ship on the rolling...hills.
Our last day in Austin/Hill Country, we got massages and ice cream. A Glorious finish to an escapist vacation.

Life, here we come.


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