Suddenly, I'm a [Den] Mother

On Wednesday night, I realized that I have virtually no experience in how to engage young boys in a task.
Until last May when I acquired some through marriage, I had no nephews [also no nieces,but not applicable here]. My brothers are not that much younger than me--5 years difference at most. And my immediate family was based thousands of miles away from any young cousins, male or female.

Basically, the only qualification* I have to be a Den Mother is that I'm female.
It's hard to be Den Mother if you're not female.

For the past several weeks, our Den meetings have just been me, my husband, a guy named Zach, and our sole Webelos scout Spencer. Spencer is a good kid, and the first month we were teaching first aid. Hey, I'm a nurse. I got this.

Then another scout showed up, one who was not as interested in health algorithms. Mostly I would look at him and ponder what the heck I should do.

Fortunately, we switched to athletic lessons.
And abruptly had 3 more scouts.

I watched Spencer start to clown around with the other kids.
I witnessed one small boy pull a can of spray sunscreen from his pocket and spray his shirt with it. Note that we are inside a building, and it's evening time. No sun.

I shouted encouragement to a dozen Webelos and Bear Scouts as they sort-of-but-not-even-close played ultimate frisbee. The main tenets of their version of the game was to crowd around the frisbee, and then throw it as far as they could, even if nobody was out in that direction.
I tried over and over to remind them that they needed a person on the other side of their throw. I reminded them which direction they were supposed to be running. I encouraged them to get the shorter, easier passes.
The only thing they responded to was which direction to run.

I talked with one of my Webelos afterward, who had some really good throws to absolutely-no-one-and-out-of-bounds, and after some questioning I learned that he didn't want anyone to get his throws.
Which would explain why he threw the way he did.

Oh boy, oh boy. This is going to be reeeallly interesting.

*Also, I said yes. Mark was asked by our bishop to be a Den Leader, and that request was by implication extended to me. Unless there are absolute logistical contraindications, I say yes to whatever the bishop asks. It's a good approach to religion.


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