Proverbial Light

You can tell I'm out of school because this is my third blog post for the month.
Ah. Free time.

December is an odd month in Houston. Temperature swings can be between different seasons: yesterday it was in the 70s and sunny; today it is in the 30s and more overcast.
This last fact made Mark happy, because it was more in line with the Christmas he knows.

Singing in the car to xmas tunes. Note the short sleeves; he loves the chill.

I am more familiar with shorter days and longer nights in the Christmas season; when I go to work it is dark, and 12 hours later when I come home it is dark. [This is probably more true the more north you go, but I meant as essentially the sole indicator that Christmas is coming.]
But this is a fantastic setting for the Christmas season, because it allows us to celebrate Light.

 In a neighborhood of houses we know we will never be able to afford, we looked at how magical the world seems when Christmas lights are emphasizing the best and most beautiful things on earth.


Maybe Christmas lights don't mean anything religious to some (as cute as the penguins and snowman are, I doubt they were in Israel as time changed from B.C. to A.D.), but I cannot look at these trees and not think of Divine Glory

I feel like I lead a blessed life. School is hard, but it is Opportunity. Work is physically draining, but it is Fulfillment.
Mark doesn't like apple pie, but he still is my Soulmate.
God doesn't give us everything we ask for, but I've noticed that sometimes He gives us something Better.
Hang in there, world. There is still Beauty and Kindness and Light out there, especially if we look for it, but most especially when we Live it.


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