People say and do Dumb Things

And I am a person. A definitely quirky, peculiar person.
God would be proud.

The other day at work, I ran into one of the pulmonary nurse practitioners who had been my clinical coach when I first started working. She was wearing a neon pink/orange (maybe salmon?) top, and I remarked to her that it made her look tan. This would be perfectly fine...except she's African-American.
**face palm**
It didn't occur to me until later that my comment was incredibly stupid.

I do dumb things, too. Yesterday I was getting impatient with the slow cooking of my stove-top frittata, so I stuck the skillet in the oven. That actually wasn't dumb; nor was the burn I got on my hand from touching the skillet handle (careless, but not dumb). No, the dumb part was when I went to practice intubating mannikins and puncturing their epidural spaces and inserting central lines (IV catheters that are in the big veins in the femoral and subclavian area), but my hand still hurt, so I would periodically wander away from the demonstration/practice table to hold a metal jar lid, or the metal handle of the laryngoscope, or the glass vial of xylocaine, or anything cool--temperature-wise--to dull the pain. My professor and the two other people there never said anything, but I am completely conscious that I looked weird periodically "stealing" and then returning medical simulation equipment.

I think I need a nap.
Or, for a long-term solution, to be done with school.


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