Learn from Death

Image result for i see dead people memeFor the past two weeks, I have been spending a lot of time at the county morgue. I've seen lots of cold bodies. And the scene of death. And then their autopsies.
Lots of really vivid memories to be made there.

So, with the authority of 80+ hours of reviewing cause of death, I have some things to say.

--For goodness sake, DON'T CO-SLEEP WITH YOUR BABY

--Also, if you have a gun, LOCK IT UP. AND DON'T TOUCH IT WHEN YOU ARE ANGRY

--Death from drug abuse doesn't discriminate between rich and poor. Don't waste your time or money on illicit drugs.

--People with high blood alcohol levels do really stupid things. Don't be one of them.

--Based on how many suicides came through the doors, we need to PAY ATTENTION TO MENTAL HEALTH. We need coping skills.

--High blood pressure has a visible effect on internal organs. It's a problem. It can kill you.

--WEAR A HELMET when riding on motorcycles. Bicycles, too.

--Cars are really great at moving people around. They are also really good at killing people when somebody is operating them inappropriately (speeding, DUI, distracted driving, etc.). And unfortunately, your skill at driving doesn't protect you from another driver's stupidity. So DRIVE DEFENSIVELY

--And lastly, APPRECIATE YOUR LOVED ONES!! Time with friends and family is far more precious than money; it comes and goes so quickly, and you can't get it back.


  1. Were there lots of deaths from co-sleeping? How tragic. (I'd never do it in a million years, but I hear about people doing it all the time.)
    And. Um. Why are you spending so much time at the morgue? I'm hoping it's for school and not for pleasure?

    1. I only saw 5 or so infant deaths in the 2 weeks I was there, but that's enough for me.

      Yes, I don't hang out at the morgue for fun. It smells. It was for school.


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