Taking on Maturity at 30

I was scared of this third-decade birthday. It just seems that the world expects you to know how to be an adult by age 30. But I can't even floss my teeth on a regular basis (unless that basis is yearly).
This is how TOUGH GUYS floss. With a .50 caliber machine gun

I'm guessing denial kept me from asking for the day off from work. But it turned out fine. I talked with my co-workers about ways of staying young, different lotion regimens or dermabrasions. I mentioned that I had recently gotten Botox (for migraines, but some of the injection sites included my forehead and between my eyebrows) and hoped it could work in my favor. We had donuts, and pancit, and egg rolls, and boba drinks, and everyone at work basically was forced to celebrate with me!! Ha-ha!

When I got home from work, I found Mark trying to make blueberry muffins for me (I like blueberry muffins. I like poppyseed muffins more, but that's okay). It really wasn't his fault that it wasn't working out, because the muffin box (clearly labeled and pictured with blueberries) didn't contain blueberries AT ALL. It was very confusing. Mark tried looking into the nooks and crannies of the box (because a can of blueberries was totally capable of a false bottom. or something) and tried putting the bag of muffin mix back in to see if blueberries would show up the second time (you know, like a reset button). Surprisingly, that didn't work. Fortunately we had some frozen blueberries, so I popped those in, and voila! Blueberry muffins.

As good as blueberry muffins are, I was hoping for a more exciting way to celebrate my descent into adulthood. Mark had just the thing. He found out a comic convention was running in Houston, so we bought tickets and went--sans costume. But I wore a Microsoft shirt. That's nerdy, right?

Neither of us had ever been to a comic convention, so we found everything very strange. It kind-of felt like it was for a bunch of adults who didn't want to grow up, so they decided to get together and dress in fantastical costumes and discuss comics, TV shows, science, gaming, and popular young-adult fiction.
My favorite exhibit was NASA, because not only could I look like an astronaut, I also could learn to train like an astronaut. As in, they had virtual reality headsets where I could dive in the Neutral Buoyancy Lab [aka giant swimming pool with International Space Station mock-up], look at the surface of Mars, wander around and
interact with various things in the ISS, all without moving more than 10 feet.
There were also various workshops catered to the type of person who nerds out on things...e.g., Geek Speed Dating, Interactive Dating Game, Cosplay Dating Game, and my favorite: Learn to Be Funny at Parties!
I got to see various 3D printers in action, a wood-lasering saw, several drones (one the size of a 50-cent piece), elaborate costumes, all while wearing official-looking badges.
It's nice to know I'm not alone in my struggle with maturity.


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