Spines. They're Critical

Unless you're spineless. Like jellyfish.

I have had two more epidurals than I ever thought I would have in my entire adult life, and I'm not even pregnant, let alone giving birth. [I should say that I know epidurals are used outside of birth; thoracic surgeons at work used to use epidurals a lot for pain management, but most of the patients are in the "geriatric" category]

I have taken off from work way more time than I ever thought I would for a non-maternity-related reason.

And it's all because this lumbar herniated disc thing is taking longer to work through than I thought.

Which is why, after prayers, sweat, tears, and sleepless nights, I'm going to have spinal surgery. Because I just haven't made significant-enough progress with just the epidurals. They have reduced my pain, but they haven't restored my function.

I still have plans to travel and lose at more sports and give piggy-back rides, run around, and have children that will step on cracks in hopes to break my back [they'll get mad at me for something, for sure].

So here's to the future, and to the hope that things get better, that I can be a normal vertebrate again.


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