Gettin' my Butt in Shape: Rehab

There are just so many phrases around the word 'butt' that it makes for easy title creation. Well, as long as my post is about butts.
Two weeks ago I started physical rehabilitation for my spinal surgery. I will freely admit that I thought I was a star patient going in; I was exercising on the elliptical, I could do upper-body weights as long as I was lying flat, I could balance on a yoga ball, I practiced planking....
I quickly realized that the physical therapist figured out where in my core I was most weak, and made me work on that.
Silly competent therapist.
He wasn't even impressed with the exercises I was already doing. Except for the yoga ball. He was impressed by that.

I have learned valuable lessons. Such as
     Cycling leisurely for 8 minutes burns 17 calories.
     Rehab is work. And it hurts.
     A surgical incision in the "core" area affects a whole lotta movement.
     My "core" includes not only my abs and lower back but also my butt/hip/upper upper-leg areas.
Sometimes, I think that because I do yoga and have a Master's degree in nursing, I know all about physical therapy.
Yeah, no.
I think I have to have a Master's in Physical Therapy for that.


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