To Mothers, from an Ignoramus

I write this in support of mothers. Granted, I am basically unqualified on this topic. [Yes, I have a cat, and it's kinda like she's my baby, assuming that I would as a mother just leave dry cereal on the floor and a bowl of water that I maybe change twice a week, and who I bathe and brush like once a month. Don't look to me for an example.]
Since 1st grade I knew I wanted to be a mother. Amazingly, even though I see how hard being a mother is, [feeding and clothing and teaching and cleaning and praying, all with a sleep deficit. I don't function well with sleep deficits.] that is still my goal. I am beginning to suspect that it is because of the hard work that I want to be a mother. No, I'm not a masochist. I can see how honorable the calling of motherhood is. It is the honor that draws me; not for fame or praise, but for the sense of fulfillment inherent in mothering.
Today I was reading a short history of a faithful mother in the 1800s who opened her home for the Lord's servants. She already had 8 children to take care of, but offered to host, indefinitely, 3 strangers, named Joseph, his wife Emma, and their friend Oliver. She got to wash all of those clothes, prepare a whole lot of food, keep the house clean, help run the summary, a lot of work. In very hot weather. You see, "Mary had faith in Joseph's calling and did not complain, but she was getting tired. ...[A]nd the added work and the strain placed on her were hard to bear." Eventually, in the midst of this trial, God sent a messenger, who acknowledged her faith and diligence in her work, and strengthened her faith in God by bearing witness of truth. And here's the kicker: she was told "to be patient and faithful as she carried the extra burden a little longer," with the promise that she would be blessed for it. She recounts that "she still had work to do, but that no longer troubled her."💕
The effort you have to invest in motherhood is pretty high. Probably the highest of any job. But look at the reward! Sure, you still have the work before you, but not only were you blessed with peace in your efforts, but also promised future blessings.
"When dangers lurk/ along your way/ trembling your soul/ stumbling your steps/ recall this day./ Believe that circles/ of unseen angels,/ summoned by your name,/ will bear you up." 💗
"Feel secure, for [God's] arms are lengthened out toward us all the day long." <3

(I've linked the hearts to the sources :))


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