All the Pretty Little Houses

The only "Pretty little house" in this whole post
Mark and I wanted to travel somewhere before my new job starts, and that somewhere ended up being the Baltic states + Sweden (not because Sweden is culturally related to the Baltics, but more because we could take a ferry from Tallinn to Stockholm).
I learned and saw so much! Mark probably learned less because he already knew a fair chunk of Baltic state history. But we saw all the same stuff.
Like doors. We saw a lot of doors.
people were shorter back then...

And then more doors [different from Mordor, even though they are phonetically similar]

 Obviously I didn't have to take a picture of every single door [and actually, no, I didn't], but hey, pics are free, and they really are cool doors.

Really old door in a museum (I think in Stockholm?)
There are in fact modern doors in Europe as well, but those weren't as interesting.
But maybe, in 200 years, people will take pictures of our doors, and try to tease meaning out of the plywood shell,...
and hopefully they will conclude that we had culture.
Or at least that we were tall.


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