advertising the ego

Disclaimer: no ill will is intended in any of these posts. I love Texas, and I recognize the humor in the Texas ego

Driving around town, I can tell there is a definite theme to companies' names and mottoes. I suppose I could enter the advertising business now: basic parts of a company name should be
a) your field, and
 b) something involving Texas. 
So, Texas Dental. Lone Star College. Texas Health Insurance. Lone Star Steakhouse. Texas Instruments (you know, the people that make all those calculators for calculus classes. I used to wonder if other states had their own calculator companies. apparently not). Texas Roadhouse. You get the idea.
Or, say you are a chain and can't rename your business to suit Texan pride. No worries! Just come up with some products or greeting signs particular to the state. Throw the words "y'all," or "Texas-sized"  around. Use the Texas shape on posters. Display the Texan flag; even better, display it with the American flag (at the same level, preferably. we're a 'state's rights' state). Find some sort of connection to the state through our state symbols. For instance, you could display a huge armadillo at the front of your store (see earlier post)--the armadillo is our state small mammal. Or you could use a longhorn, which is our state large mammal.
Other symbols:
bluebonnet--state flower
pecan--state tree. and state nut
star shape--because we are the 'lone star state'
mockingbird--state bird
texas red grapefruit--state fruit
apparently, we are also considering adopting a state molecule--the buckyball. probably because it's big.


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