messing with the morning routine

I got downtown today and discovered that my breakfast (a peach) and my morning reading (the Bible) got a little cozy in my bag. The hardcover edge of my Bible cut into one of the softer spots of the peach, which got peach juice on the outer page edges of Genesis through 1 Kings. This provides a great opportunity for some puns.
The word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, dividing asunder the flesh from the pit
We should feast upon the word of God
Man should not live on [fruit] alone, but by every word from the mouth of God
The word of God is peachy?

Okay, that's all I dare do without risking blasphemy.
I may need a new Bible. I cleaned up what I could, but the juice stain now looks like dried blood, which makes my Bible way more symbolic, but perhaps not the best presentation.


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